Reader-writer locks and RCU

locks on xv6: spinlock/sleeplock

When to use lock, and what lock(s)?

Compared with spinlock, sleeplock does not stress the CPU but it does not always make the programs run faster.

So far all the locks we have seen causes serialization of the programs.

The "Big Kernel Lock" (BKL)

Exploit more parallelism: reader-writer lock

Observation: Readers can concurrently access the shared resources without race condition.

Reader-writer lock (rwlock): allow multiple readers to acquire the lock at the same time.

Possible states of a rwlock (usually a 16-bit value on x86):

Simplified pseudo code of x86 writer-reader (spin) lock

(try to draw a state machine to see how it works)

Reader lock:

do {

  unsigned short val = *lockptr;

  if ((val & 0x8000) == 0) // try to read-lock it unless it's write-locked

    if (atomic_compare_exchange(lockptr, &val, val + 1) == SUCCESS) // this may fail


} while (true); // retry until locked

Writer lock:

do {

  unsigned short val = *lockptr;

  if (val == 0) // free now?

    if (atomic_compare_exchange(lockptr, val, 0x8000) == SUCCESS) // this may fail


} while (true);

reader unlock:

atomic_subtract(lockptr, 1);

writer unlock:

*lockptr = 0;

Readers are our "VIP" customers. We want to maximize the efficiency at the reader side.

Is there any room for improvement? Check the real cost of the reader-lock:

Reader needs to perform 2+ memory operations:

Also, there can be many unnecessary retries especially with many concurrent readers:

An improved reader-lock implementation


do {

  if ((atomic_fetch_add(lockptr, 1) & 0x8000) == 0) // just try, don't "think twice"


  atomic_subtract(lockptr, 1); // undo the optimistic increment

} while (true);

This reader-lock only fails if a writer comes and grabs the lock.

only one LOCK-read-modify-write operation is used to acquire the lock.

This two improvements lead to more than 2x improvement compared to the previous version.


OK, readers are all VIPs. What about the writers?

Although readers frequently comes and go, it's possible that the number of active readers never drop to 0.

writers may have to wait indefinitely.

One possible solution:

By doing this, we're possibly doing too much favor for the writer. Readers may also starve, or near-starve, when trying to acquire the lock.


It's highly subjective.

One way to maintain "fairness" in reader-writer locks is to use "tickets" (we mentioned tickets in spinlock/sleeplock).

Ticket is a monotonically increasing number. By taking tickets, the threads form a line and the lock is taken in a first-come, first-serve fashion.

More details here 

Fine-grained locking

Hash tables: N locks, each protects a few hash buckets.

Trees: one lock per node. user acquires and releases the locks on the path as it traverses on the tree.

RCU (Read-Copy-Update)

What are the remaining issues of reader-writer lock?

What if we want to let readers run even faster? RCU.

use RCU when you really don't care about the feeling of writers...

Writers have to do several expensive operations:

Example: change the content of a node on a linked list.

Treat the list as a path, once the new node is ready, we change the pointer at the parent node to let new readers "detour" using the new path.

The difference between RCU and COW

(user-space) RCU implementations

QSBR RCU, and a few others


For "read-copy-update", changing the pointer to the new data exposes the updates to the readers.

That pointer is an integral part of the structure.




A simplified (and incomplete) user-space QSBR RCU

Suppose there is only ONE reader and ONE writer. Unregister() is also omitted.

(A realistic implementation should be able to handle multiple readers, and uses a lock to coordinate multiple writers.)

struct rcu { // the main rcu structure

  void * pvar; // pointer to the shared variable

  struct rcu_reader * reader;


struct rcu_reader { // each user's private structure.

  void * last_pvar; // user record the last pvar it has seen


// reader calls this to register itself with the rcu

void rcu_register(struct rcu * rcu, struct rcu_reader * reader)


  rcu->reader = reader;


// reader calls this to find the shared variable

void * rcu_read(struct rcu * rcu, struct rcu_reader * reader)


  reader->last_pvar = rcu->pvar; // the only overhead is a memory write

  return reader->last_pvar;


// writer calls this to perform update

void rcu_update(struct rcu * rcu, void * new_pvar)


  void * old_pvar = rcu->pvar;

  rcu->pvar = new_pvar;

  while (rcu->reader->last_pvar != new_pvar)

    sleep(1);  // wait until the reader has been using new_pvar

